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Svalbard: Non-native species are threatening vulnerable plant life

Authorities need to act more aggressively to prevent the accidental introduction of non-native plant species to arctic ecosystems. By Norwegian University of Science and Technology…
SourceSourceJuly 25, 2024 Read More

China, Russia push back over Washington’s Arctic warning

Washington, United States (AFP) - Russia and China on Tuesday pushed back against a US warning over their increasing military and economic cooperation in the…
SourceSourceJuly 23, 2024 Read More

US warns of China-Russia cooperation in Arctic

Washington, United States (AFP) - The US Defense Department warned Monday of increasing Russian-Chinese collaboration in the Arctic, as climate change opens the region to…
SourceSourceJuly 23, 2024 Read More

Wildlife tracking technology that adheres to fur delivers promising results from trials on wild polar bears

By York University A research team led by York University and a project involving 3M and Polar Bears International present field research deploying the first-ever…
SourceSourceJuly 15, 2024 Read More

Retreating glaciers: fungi enhance carbon storage in young Arctic soils

By Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Melting Arctic glaciers are in rapid recession, and microscopic pioneers colonize the new exposed landscapes. LMU researchers have revealed that yeasts play…
SourceSourceJuly 4, 2024 Read More

Norway blocks unique real estate sale in Arctic Svalbard

Oslo, Norway (AFP) - The Norwegian government said on Monday it had blocked a plan to sell the last privately owned piece of land on…
SourceSourceJuly 1, 2024 Read More

Will climate change turn the Arctic green?

By European Space Agency The Arctic is in the hotseat of climate change, warming four times faster than anywhere else on Earth. Already, the Arctic…
SourceSourceJune 19, 2024 Read More

25 years of the deep-sea observatory AWI-HAUSGARTEN

By Alfred-Wegener-Institut For the past 25 years, the Alfred Wegener Institute has operated a long-term observatory in the Arctic deep sea: the HAUSGARTEN. Located between…
SourceSourceJune 6, 2024 Read More

Drones validate walrus counts in satellite images from space

By British Antarctic Survey (BAS) In the first successful attempt to calibrate walrus counts from satellite imagery, scientists used drones to validate animal counts in…
SourceSourceMay 23, 2024 Read More

For sale: unique piece of land in strategic Arctic archipelago

By Pierre-Henry DESHAYES | AFP Oslo, Norway - The last piece of privately owned land in the strategic Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic is up…
SourceSourceMay 22, 2024 Read More

How heatwaves are affecting Arctic phytoplankton

By Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research The basis of the marine food web in the Arctic, the phytoplankton, responds to…
SourceSourceMay 17, 2024 Read More

How Do Lightning Storms Affect North Pole Sea Ice?

By Tel-Aviv University TAU Research Shows that Lightning Storms are Causing Sea Ice to Melt Faster at the North Pole An international study with the participation…
SourceSourceMay 17, 2024 Read More